
So, Im working in class right now with my classmates danielle and kayla. We are brainstorming the different ideas on how to make the cover magazine. We like the pain brush font that looks a little bit like cursive, becuase it gives it a different cute look. We each have different colors for the magazine, and we are deciding if we should have the same color for the title or if we should each have a different one.  We are also deciding what wesbite to use. We are going to probably end up using issuu because we like the platforms. We started looking at joomag and its geat but in the beginning it was giving us a hard time. We are going to decorate our magazine today, and pick out the fonts and colors. Our inspirations are cosmopolitan becuase they have the same type of picture in the front, usually an individual and the title cosmopolitan in different colors but with the same font and sometimes a different color. Joomag is giving us a hard time becuase of the internet in school, but we have tried various websites that can work as well.
I havent started looking a my two page spread yet but i'v been loking for ideas and I really like this one. Obviously it needs more writting but the way the picture is spread out and the colors I really like.  Joomag has been complicated becuase my friend danielle cant log in, and she needs to be able to so that we can get the same magazine layout. I will keep this blog updated tomorrow once i finish my magazine layout! xoxo
