
        My names Paulina Patruno, and im a junior at cypress bay high school. I am currently taking Aice media studies, and have learned many techniques and ways to analyze films and movies. For my foundation portfolio, I decided to do a magazine, just because Im interested in designing it, and writting. I have never done a blog before, so it might be hard for me in the beginning, hopefully i'll get better! In the next two blog posts, I have to show my research and planning on the magazine.
My friends Danielle, Kayla and I have chosen to do a health magazine. We chose to do a healthy magazine during the seasons of Winter, Summer, and Fall.
          In our past class lessons we have discussed themes of magazines, and different ways to approach it. Danielle is doing summer issue, Kayla's doing Fall issue, and Im doing Winter. In this blog, which is my first one, Im just going to talk about my Ideas on the magazine, and in my next two blogs, I have to talk about the genre and target auidence, as well as the planning for example, time managment, a shcedule, and a layout for my magazine. I will keep you guys updated on my next blog! xoxo
